We are excited to announce that we are now in the process of launching the Being 1 ME Foundation Programme called ‘Discovering Your True Authentic Self‘.
This Foundation Programme is the core of ‘Being1 ME’ and is designed to help you to discover and release your true authentic being.
So many things in life rely on your ability to connect and remain engaged with your true authentic self. On the most basic level, your sense of happiness, purpose and fulfilment really do depend on your ability to connect with yourself on a core level. How are you going to know what you should be doing and who you should be doing it with, if you don’t even know who you really are?
‘Discovering Your True Authentic Self‘ has been created to help you connect with your core identity and discover who you are apart from your various life roles. It will help you examine the beliefs and passions that define your perception of the world around you and your place in it.
It will give you the tools to bring your beliefs and passions into harmony with your core values. This will allow you to create an empowering sense of inner harmony and avoid the self sabotaging behaviours that can undermine your ability to succeed in living in harmony with life – whatever life brings.
If you would like to know more about how and where you can take part in this programme, please contact us. We can then keep you updated of all regional and on-line events.